Sunday, August 21, 2011

Slug Me if I Snore

I always hate it when I'm sitting by someone, and they fall asleep.  I think it is the tackiest thing to fall asleep in meetings and stuff like that.  However, today I fell victim to my own pet peeve.  I was sitting there in church, trying so hard to pay attention to the talk on the blessings of going to institute, when next thing I know, my brother is elbowing me in the ribs saying, "Amanda, you're snoring." 
Well that sure made me feel like a moron.  I don't know why I was so tired either!  I got a fantastic night's sleep last night.  I attribute it to the new pillows that I bought at Sam's Club.  I had been using the flattest, most dead pillows in the whole world.  It was so nice to finally have an actual pillow under my head!  I was out like a light in 5 minutes time.  So why on earth could I not stay awake during church!?  I felt like a tool. 
But what's done is done, I guess.   And what I heard of the talk was actually quite good. I'll try harder to stay awake next Sunday. 

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